- I AM calling forth MY End Days Warriors to be Victorious In My Ways …All things that I have trained you for are fast approaching and I have written Victory in your hearts ♥️. My Kingdom Warriors go forth in My supernatural power, so advance now for I have prepared the way . Do not fear !
When all else around you is collapsing, Sing My Praises .. As in The Days of Noah, when I found 8 righteous souls to be saved, so I have found you. You will complete your journey on Earth 🌍 & Endure till the end, through immoral, unjust Laws being passed now, for they will seek to change Times & Laws. Do not try to protect yourself with your own human effort, for you will fail. Remain under My shadow for protection, and under My wings, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings so I have gather you. Walk in Me, Abide in Me, Reside in Me , For To everything there is a season, A Time of War And a Time of Peace, It is a time of WAR ! See I have not kept you ignorant of this time, for you walk in the light 💡 and you know all things, for I Am the light of the world 🌎 and whoever walks with ME shall not walk in Darkness ..Hence forth I tell you now to sell your cloak and buy a sword 🗡For The Rulers of this land have turned against ME & have forsaken the narrow path, so in this hour, lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me, turn to Me , for I am your exceedingly great reward … Help your brothers that can not see nor hear what is upon this land, Are you not your brother keepers ? I have prepared you from Ancient Days , “ for what is written is before you”.. Remember I have given you everything you need to overcome, for My Spirit is within you. Forget Me not in this hour of trail, when evil and lawlessness abound . Lean on Me snd away from the world 🌎 and it’s Rulers, for they are like a roaring lion 🦁 looking to see who they can devour.. Remember You are above all things, so remain there, for I have foretold these days in My Word, so you are not without understanding. Open your spiritual eyes 👀, things are not what they appear, and Many are Deceived! Did I not say , ‘ if possible even the Elect could be deceived? So walk in the Spirit ✍️You shall go forth and be strong and courageous, do not fear or be afraid, In this hour you shall go through this passage, and prevail in these days of lawlessness, for I have spoken of perilous times in my word and they are here. Remember Israel 🇮🇱Won Wars through prayer , praise and worshiping ME, for I gave them
Victories.. You to shall win the wars against the Giants in the land , the Fallen , & the Children of Disobedience, those that defile everything I have created.. I have loaded you up with weapons of My warfare, mighty in pulling down strongholds, so fight in this hour do not remain silent! Remember My Elect , I have created everything to be received with Thanksgiving, so thank Me, as I am your Shield 🛡snd Buckler. Advance My Kingdom On Earth 🌍 as it is in Heaven, fight the good fight of faith, and Remember oh Man what is good, & what I require of you, to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with your God ..